2nd Conference | Milan - 26-28 June, 2024

Abstract Book

Abstract submission


Guidelines for submission and participation

The official language of the Conference and the Conference Programme is English.

There are three categories of submissions: Symposium, Oral communication in thematic session, and Poster.

Submission categories

Symposium: a set of at least four (4) but no more than five (5) oral communications with a common topic. Symposia are guaranteed a 90-minute slot.

Oral communication: 15-minute oral presentation included in a thematic session.

Poster: visual presentation as a scientific conversation starter (roll-up).

Several posters will be displayed in the designated area and will serve as a basis for interaction and discussion between the authors and interested scholars.

Guidelines for abstract submission

Symposium: the symposium proponent should submit:

  • A description of the symposium (250 words abstract, including three keywords)
  • Four to five abstracts of oral presentations (250 words abstract, including three keywords),
  • Information about the authors – names, affiliations and email addresses.

Each symposium may have one discussant.

Oral communication and poster: the author(s) should send:

  • An abstract of no more than 250 words including three keywords
  • Information about the author(s) – names, affiliations and e-mail addresses.

Limitation:  Each participant should not present more than two communications (but may chair or discuss an additional session).

To be included in the Conference program, at least one of the co-authors must have registered for the Equip Conference 2024.

Indicative Time Plan of EQuiP Conference 26-28 June 2024


July: 15th Submission opens

November: 30th Abstract submission deadline

December: Notification of acceptance – postponed by January 10th, 2024


February 29th: Early registration deadline

April 30th Registration closes

June 26-28: Conference dates
