Welcome message from the EQuiP President
Dear colleagues,
I am delighted to welcome you to the 2nd international conference of the Association of European Qualitative Researchers in Psychology that will take place in the beautiful city of Milan this year. This conference marks a very special occasion as it will be the first EQuiP conference that provides us with the opportunity to meet face-to-face. After launching our association in 2018, we were very encouraged by the strong positive feedback we received from fellow researchers across and beyond Europe. Many of you were looking forward to meeting in person at our first conference which was supposed to take place in Thessaloniki in 2020. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, however, this conference had to be postponed by one year and eventually we were forced to switch to an online format. Notwithstanding these difficult circumstances, the first conference was a great success and showed the strong demand for a European conference for qualitative researchers in psychology. To avoid overlap with other bi-annual conferences that might be relevant to researchers in the field, we had decided to schedule our EQuiP conferences always in even years. The second EQuiP conference therefore has been scheduled exceptionally three years (instead of two years) after the preceding conference which meant another year to wait to meet in person. We are thrilled that this is now finally possible and the number of submissions to this second conference confirms the importance to pursue the association’s aim to provide a platform for constructive exchange between colleagues working in different qualitative research traditions and increase the visibility of qualitative research in psychology.
We look very much forward to meeting you in Milan!
Carolin Demuth
President of the Association of European Qualitative Researchers in Psychology
Countdown to:
Important Dates
New deadline: 30/11/2023
Milano – a city that has always been progressive in welcoming and sharing cultures and traditions, always open to changes and new concepts – constitutes a strategic hub for connections with the major Italian and foreign cities for air and rail transportation networks but also for the motorway infrastructure. Milano serves as a big crossroad with Italy and the rest of the world.
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